Comfrey is one of the most powerful natural remedies known. It has been shown in peer-reviewed, scientific journals to be beneficial in arthritis, back pain, sprained ankles etc. People have even found benefit to old bone injuries and even frost bite neuropathy. We had a friend write us yesterday who tried it this week on a rotator cuff injury and within one day was feeling better. Have you ever tried it out personally?

Comfrey Salve from our friend Sofia

Check out our nearly 6 hour series on Natural remedies (backed by scientific studies)

Amazon affiliate links cost you nothing extra but I make a small commission
Best book I know on natural remedies.

Comfrey Seeds

Beeswax 5 pounds

Comfrey leaf 1 pound

Olive Oil



One of the great experiences of homesteading and country living is using wood for heat and cooking. What would it be like to use an old fashioned crosscut saw to cut down trees. How hard would it be? If times became hard this may be the way many of us have to fell trees. I am here with my friend Andy Weaver who grew up Amish but was kicked out when his sister who left the Amish gave him a horse. You are not allowed to receive anything from those who have left the Amish.


Below are affiliate links. If you purchase something I get a very small cut of it but it does not cost you any more.
- 4 foot Two-man Crosscut Saw
- One or Two man Saw

Have you ever looked at the history of hyperinflation? History gives us insight on hyperinflation and things we can do to fare better if it were ever to come to where we live. Here are eight things that could benefit you in a hyper inflationary economy.

Affiliate links (They cost you nothing extra but if you buy through this link I get a very small income).
Great history of hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic called

Another book on hyperinflation specifically in Zimbabwe- great lessons

- Mini Home Solar System

What was hyperinflation like in Germany in the 1920's? This nail biting experience was a harbinger of multiple other countries that would later come to their own financial demise. What can we learn from history so that we don't repeat it?

Affiliate links (They cost you nothing extra but if you buy through this link I get a very small income).
- Great history of hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic called

- Another book on hyperinflation specifically in Zimbabwe- great lessons

- Mini Home Solar System